
Showing posts from September, 2013

#10 Death Is The End. Or Is It?

One of humanity's oldest questions is whether or not death is the end of our experiences. All religious speculation aside, scientifically we know that death is the end, right? Actually, the scientific community is still debating whether or not there is an afterlife.People who have legally died and come back have had claims of experiencing the afterlife, including a skeptical neurosurgeon. #9 The Near Death Experience People who have died and come back have had what is called a near death experience, or NDE. The interesting thing about NDEs is that many patients claim to have very similar experiences, which suggests that they may be more real than imagined. The question is: Are these experiences only similar because popular culture has put these common 'afterlife' images into their heads? #8 Light At the End of the Tunnel This is a representation of the so-called 'light at the end of the tunnel', which is one of the most commonly reported NDE

They See Me Trolling...

They Hatin'

new world record for solar cell efficiency


Breaking Bad


Scientific American and UCLA

Here's a sample article: