Tumblr is going to be my new blogspot for daily thoughts... I'll call it Daily Tribune! Yeah sounds good. First entry: I remember three dreams I had today. My dreams will be in reverse order: from my freshest memory to the staler.

Uno. I'm in a library or some sort of bookstore. Doesn't matter. I'm walking around and I realize that I can not find the book I want - this is a kid's store with preschool and elementary books (I note on the book covers). I find a computer and plop onto it. It has a nice comfy, cushioned seat. Then some Asian girl wants to go on my computer. I say, "WHAT? get off my back yo! There's fifty other computers in here." But to my displeasure, she shoves me off. Dang. She goes onto some video chat with strangers. She looks at the inappropriate people. ***COUGH COUGH PEN ISLAND COUGH COUGH*** Strange enough? I go downstairs through a narrow stairway with 13 steps total, but physically it takes me two steps. I open the door which was interconnected - do you follow? Then I tell my mother what has happened. She tells me to go back upstairs and tell her to get off. I was about to do that, but I don't know what happened afterwards...
2. I'm playing spaghetti tag with a bunch of kids from my school - in a supermarket! I've built up an elaborate world where the shelves are stocked with food and there are aplenty of freezers that you can literally pick up stuff. The ones at Korean supermarkets (I hope you can imagine this - bear with me please). I see Chaya Chicitatorn and he's telling me a story on how to be successful. Its strange to hear this from him because I knew his dad is pretty successful and he probably will be. Anyway, Luke Ramer (high school, sophomore like me) has in his hand a whole wad of spaghetti! He begins to chase me and I begin to run. I corner all the freezers on the ground and barely escape. I remember quite clearly. He threw the spaghetti right at me! I missed it by an inch and it hit one of the freezers. In a momentary glance I could tell he looked perplexed by it all. This all happened in a few seconds. Then I dove down... remembering this only.
Tres. I watched the Avengers all jump off a building and land on the ground. it was pretty interesting. They were having a contest to see who would die first. From the ground perspective, I saw iron Man gracefully land. Hulk stomped down. The Green Lantern (not in the Avengers) used his green ring finger and gently descended. Then my favorite character started to leap (also not from the Avengers). Spiderman leaped off the ledge and used his spiderweb outstetched it to the edge of the building and made it down safely. I was worried he wasn't going to make it. I love Spiderman because he's so awesome and his secret identity reveals an awesome man - Peter Parker - who had to go through making extra money at a wrestling ring and get handed down responsibility from his uncle - my favorite quote of all time: "With great power comes great responsibility." That's about it. I woke up going, HOLY CRAP I remembered 3 out of 5 dreams today! It was a satisfactory morning.


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