The Symptoms of Love

Quickening Heartbeat

When we are faced with our love interest, our body goes into red alert, kicking adrenaline production into full gear. One of the results of that is a rapid heartbeat, that little flutter you feel. This is probably in order to give us a jumpstart to go over to talk to him or her! 

Sweaty Palms

Unfortunately, another effect of all of that adrenaline is profuse sweating, especially, it seems, on our palms. This side effect is a bit counterproductive, as it can be pretty embarrassing. 

Voice Change

Studies have shown that men tend to lower their voices when they talk to someone they love or are attracted to, while women may raise the tone of their voices.

Dilated Pupils

The same adrenaline that is responsible for a rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms also causes our pupils to dilate. This signals sexual attraction, and on a subconscious level, we find that attractive in a sexual partner.


When you are in love, you usually feel euphoric, and that isn't just because you are happy -- it's chemical. When you are in love, your brain produces extra dopamine, the same chemical it releases when you have taken a drug, such as cocaine. No wonder falling in love makes you feel so giddy, light-headed and downright manic!


When we are with the one we love, we tend to mimic their behavior. For example, if they cross their legs, we will cross ours. This all happens on a subconscious level, of course. Also subconsciously, the other partner will find this copycat behavior very attractive.


Humans generally blush for one of two reasons, embarrassment or sexual arousal; and when we are in love, we can certainly feel both of those at the same time!

Stomach Butterflies

That adrenaline seems to be the culprit in all things love. In addition to its other side effects, adrenaline also shunts blood away from things like our stomach and to things like our muscles. This is so that we are prepared to run away (or toward as the case may be) if we need to. This transfer of blood is what makes us feel like there are butterflies in our stomach. It is also the cause of the reduced appetite that many of the newly in love experience.


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