Michael Hampson and Other Real Thinkers



Michael Hampson: Obviously, it is not unreasonable. What is unreasonable, is that believers demand undue respect for having an invisible friend. Sorry, if you are a believer, you get ZERO respect from me.
Steven Brian Pounsett: You'll believe someday, I pray for your sake its before its to late.
Joseph H. Chrestos: Take your prayer and stuff it. Anyone can prove to themselves that prayer doesn't work. Try praying for something outside the natural laws of the universe. Guess what will happen...Nothing. Just more of the infantile lunacy that goes along with believing in an invisible magic man.
Michael Hampson: This comment for Steven.

The most intelligent comment you could make from a person who claims to be in communication (Prayer works! The Christians chant.) with an all powerful "God" with unlimited wisdom is to threaten me.

Steven just threaten me by 
saying I better believe or I will go to hell. Jesus H. Christi Steven, you have a great imagination. You have invisible friends, "God", "Satan", "Angels", "Demons", etc. And you have invisible places as well. 

That's the best you've got? To threaten me? That is the best method you have to recruit people into your "hatred of humanity" cult? 

The myth of original sin. The Christian rant: We support this horrific organization which devalues all of humanity and we demand you respect us for this. (Of course, if you join our "hatred of humanity" cult, then we won't hate your humanity."

No amount of belief makes something a fact. In the Scientific Age, belief in any religion or superstition is an insult to human intelligence.

Get the hell out of the Bronze Age and into the Scientific Age.

About prayer? If prayer works, why won't your underachieving god heal amputees? The fact is this, prayer never works.

Here is how you can test your prayers. Write down everything you prayer for one year and record the results. 

Now, pray to a milk jug for one year and record the results. 

Now, if believe that your all powerful god, that is, your invisible sky daddy, won't get his panties in an uproar, then why not perform this simple test?


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