Casually Chatting with the Top 1 K WW in the World

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[2:20AM] RicePudingg: hey
liked your kha
was bm for fun
[2:29AM] TH000R: only like 15 games on kha
just started playing him last night
[2:29AM] RicePudingg: lifetime?
still better than mine haha
your general skills are probably just
better than mine
[2:30AM] TH000R: well you are a support main
shouldnt be too worried about mechanics
high elo supports revolve around game knowledge
[2:32AM] RicePudingg: do you know Saturrn?
by any chance
[2:32AM] TH000R: player named saturrn?
[2:32AM] RicePudingg: yeah
[2:32AM] TH000R: doesnt sound familiar no
[2:32AM] RicePudingg: my friend Chris
thought he might have been in one of your games
[2:33AM] TH000R: why do you think that?
[2:33AM] RicePudingg: because you said you're high elo haha
[2:33AM] TH000R: what rank is he?
[2:33AM] RicePudingg: just a better chance of playing with better players
his annie
was ranked top 200
in the world
[2:33AM] TH000R: pretty cool
was friends with a sona main
top 400 also
[2:34AM] RicePudingg: was?
[2:34AM] TH000R: ehh
[2:34AM] RicePudingg: how did you
a sona main
they play sona
[2:34AM] TH000R: was on a ranked 5 team
lets just say had a "falling out"
[2:35AM] RicePudingg: lol
sux to suck
[2:35AM] TH000R: ^
[2:35AM] RicePudingg: I'm still friends with
we actually
work together
at Domino's
he got me my job
as a referral
[2:35AM] TH000R: lol
[2:35AM] RicePudingg: he said
he went to LCS
for free
in Cali
his team
is good friends
with Dardoch
he showed me
his LoL landyard
[2:36AM] TH000R: he probably skrims lcs teams
[2:36AM] RicePudingg: I think he does
I should ask him
he was offered a gaming house
I never asked
why he turned it down
now he delivers the pizzas with me
[2:37AM] TH000R: ive only been on teams that hovered diamond 3 diamond 2
so not that high
i ahve played against challanger teams though
which isnt fun lol
still remember my first game vsing a challanger jg
name was grigne
i think he is actually on a team now this year
[2:38AM] RicePudingg: they probably
just cheese you
I was watching Challenger tips
[2:38AM] TH000R: actually it wasnt
[2:38AM] RicePudingg: most of it is general cheese
[2:38AM] TH000R: they played fairly safe
but they always are in the right places at the right time
idk if thats just better warding or what
but you think you have a favorable fight
and then the whole team just shows up
thats usually how it is
and its not fun lol
[2:39AM] RicePudingg: sounds like
you got baited
[2:40AM] TH000R: ehh
you down for a ranked game?
[2:40AM] RicePudingg: sure
[2:40AM] TH000R: inv.
[2:41AM] RicePudingg: don't mind
my 10 minute queue
[2:41AM] TH000R: lol
how did you manage to get low priority
[2:51AM] RicePudingg: gp one for all xD
[4:08AM] : this one's my last one for the night
4 AM
[4:08AM] TH000R: yeah
i shoulda been done
like 5 games ago
[4:08AM] RicePudingg: XD
[4:09AM] TH000R: its a good distraction tho, keeping my mind off other shit >_>
[4:09AM] RicePudingg: life? okay
[4:10AM] TH000R: yeah
[4:10AM] RicePudingg: what's your name, state, age? if I may ask
or too soon? haha
[4:11AM] TH000R: Chase, South dakota (unfortunately) and 21
[4:11AM] RicePudingg: haha unfortunate indeed :^)
[4:12AM] TH000R: and you?
[4:12AM] RicePudingg: David, Illinois, and 20
I want to move to Cali
that's my dream
making money doing stocks and getting tips from pizza haha
what do you do?
[4:13AM] TH000R: construction
only in it for the $
[4:13AM] RicePudingg: damn
must be
[4:13AM] TH000R: being writing my own novel lately
[4:13AM] RicePudingg: ooh
full name haha
when you become a famous author
[5:09AM] : gg
sleep haha
[5:09AM] TH000R: yeah same
[5:09AM] RicePudingg: you did what you could
vayne was just
really fucking bad
[5:09AM] TH000R: lol you dont need to convince me
100% boosted
[5:09AM] RicePudingg: LOL
[5:10AM] TH000R: literally no way anyone gets this elo
[5:10AM] RicePudingg: xD
[5:10AM] TH000R: by playing like that
[5:10AM] RicePudingg: true
[5:10AM] TH000R: guy didnt even build vayne right
went first item pd
then IE
then boots at 30mins
then bork
[5:10AM] RicePudingg: omg
[5:10AM] TH000R: like what
[5:11AM] RicePudingg: boosted
[5:11AM] TH000R: yeah i cant doo much when jhin got qss
even with frozen mallet
just instantly ran out of my ult
[5:12AM] RicePudingg: yeah
maybe go damage?
idk how
[5:12AM] TH000R: nah
[5:12AM] RicePudingg: to switch it up
super late game
like that
50 minutes
[5:12AM] TH000R: he was 2 shotting me even with the tank stats i have
i go dmg
he 1 shots me
1/2 shots me
[5:13AM] RicePudingg: I mean ya he did 79 k overall damage
[5:13AM] TH000R: well ill be honest
it was a combination of vayne being absolutely horrendous
and the jhin actually being good
its not easy to qss a ww ult and run out of it
when i have frozen mallet
because you are still slowed by mallet even if you qss it
he still managed to get out
[5:14AM] RicePudingg: he gets movespeed though, no?
[5:14AM] TH000R: yeah movespeed on crit + his active
[5:14AM] RicePudingg: so
luck a little
[5:14AM] TH000R: its hard to kill him
he was a good jhin
[5:15AM] RicePudingg: he built jhin right
[5:15AM] TH000R: he pretty much carried that 1v5
[5:15AM] RicePudingg: he did
[5:15AM] TH000R: rest of them we coulda dealt with np
[5:15AM] RicePudingg: yeah
[5:15AM] TH000R: anyways rant done vayne was bad lol
ima get some sleep
[5:16AM] RicePudingg: haha yeah


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