Why There Are So Few Successful People in the World?

It is because
Talents are overrated

We often overlook the numerous failures successful people have gone through.

- Bill Gates' first company was a failure.
- Stephen King's first book was rejected thirty times. 

Research finds why some people with high IQs do not succeed at all

IQ or talent may play a role in success, but resilience is far more important.

How to have more resilience and be a winner in life?

Flexible thinking:
Remember things
change every second

If something does not work in one way,
there may be other ways that you could explore.
Perhaps it may involve approaching different people
or searching for an alternative route.

Don't take 
failure personally.
No one remembers that one actually.

Failure is an important part of succeeding.
It allows you to re-evaluate areas of improvement
Embrace those moments 
and all that you can learn from them.

Don't have time limits
Don't restrict yourself.

Many people tend to put time constraints 
on themselves
The idea that you should have achieved a certain
thing before you are thirty forty or fifty simply
creates unnecessary stress.

Practice mindfulness 

to offload your worries and anxiety.

Most of the things that you feel worried
or anxious about exist only in the future.
You are simply depleting your energy unnecessarily.
Instead, focus on all this is 
happening right now

Resilience = 
being able to cope with those obstacles that you will encounter along your path to your dreams and ambitions.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/lifehackorg/videos/vb.109565802405671/1766117006750534/?type=2&theater


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