How To Activate Your Best State

Take full responsibility, believe that you can, focus on The Law of Attraction [positive stuff with positive affirmations], and instill an opposite good habit,

Idle hands do the devil's work.

Instead of overeating (or eating out), maybe now commit yourself to your side projects, relationship, and hobby (mountain climbing/hiking - active activities).

You procrastinate with television and video games because you have nothing better to do. Instead choose reading, contacting people, shooting people, and working on marketing (strapped on time). Create big goals/ambitions for yourself and commit.

Commit 100% to a habit. There's this hump (expenditure of massive energy in 30 days). 1% makes your brain come up with excuses in a slippery slope. Do this no matter what. This will break your hard food/chemical addiction. Say, "goddamn it, no this is the end of it."

Imagine a year goes by and this negative habit sticks with you. A whole 365 days. Think about the cost of that pain - all the struggle and all the pain.

Let's project that bad habit 5 years ahead. The negative accumulation and repercussions of this habit. How does it affect your psychology and to be so weak?

10 years into the future. Working wreaking havoc on your life. The ravages of this bad habit. What is going to happen if you keep doing what you keep doing. That's the real cost.

Okay good. Now clear that image out of your mind. Think of sucking on a crisp, cold lemon wedge as sort of a pallet cleanse for you.

Now think about the new habit that you're putting into place. Imagine that new habit operating on you for the next week. Do you have more energy, feel more successful, more caring, and more confident?

Let's take that and project that out to a whole month. A good habit. How does it feel for 30 straight days? How does it make you feel about yourself? Opportunities that open for you?

A year. 365 days have passed and on this good habit. Imagine how much you accomplish in that time. The gains you make in that domain. What kind of successes and rewards does it create? Emotional rewards and physical rewards.

Project it out 5 years into the future. Imagine this for 5 years. How much benefit? The graduate simulations and completely transformed your life. How proud you feel for yourself having done this.

10 years. You're been on this every single day. The accumulative positive effect. 10 years straight. Think of how this will affect every area of your life. Work, relationships, and family. Think about how inspirational everybody would be. And you can inspire others to improve their lives the way you improved yours. Bask in that visualization.

Nice and refreshed, feeling good now? That's what I call positive future projection.

You are now receptive and engaged. Those bad habits are toxic, costing you all the potentials, and weighing you down so much. To make this work. No matter how many times you have to try. You're going to give it your best.


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