Play To Win Instead Of Not To Lose

5) Read Books – The Most Cost Effective Learning Tool

If you’re not reading, you’re putting yourself at a serious disadvantage.
Why would you do that to yourself?
The Bill Gates, the Warren Buffets, and the Mark Zuckerbergs of this world all prioritize reading. I read somewhere, that people at this level read 60+ books a year.
If it’s good for them, it’s good for you. You can’t afford to not educate yourself in this way. And it’s so cost-effective that it’s a no-brainer.
So you spend $30 on a great finance book. Or a career or entrepreneurship book.
You think it cost you $30 and so it’ll give you $30 worth of value?
This is where you’re wrong.
In reality, you’re spending $30 and getting a potential $1 million, $10 million, or $100 million in value back from reading that book.
So don’t just think about the up-front hard costs of buying educational material. That $30 is nothing compared to the knowledge you will reap from reading that book.

6) Listen To Podcasts, Audio Books, And Watch Videos

Ok, so reading might be extremely difficult for you.
I can concede on that fact. Reading is torture for some. So if that’s you, then that’s fine. Lucky for you, we’re living in a time where there are other mediums of learning.
I’m big on podcasts; I listen to them on my commute to work, when I’m going to the grocery store, on the way to the gym (basically every chance I get). My brain is always switched on and in “learning mode.”
If I’m not pushing myself to grow, no one else will do it for me right?
You need to think the same way.

7) Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Network!

Contrary to what you may have heard, money doesn’t make the world go ’round.
Then what makes the world go ’round? What makes economies and industries flourish?
What makes countries influence global markets and regions?
This is important to differentiate. Money is just an object; it’s just a tool. People are the forces behind the money, the smarts, the education, power, and the influence, etc.
So make yourself available.
Get out there and go to conferences. Go to workshops. Attend industry trade-shows. Go to training seminars. You can’t expect to stay in your comfort zone and grow. You need to put in the time and effort.

8) So Here’s The Conclusion On The Two $15,000 Tickets

To summarize, I’m spending this level of cash to go to this conference to grow.
I want to get outside of my comfort zone. And I want to put my money where my mouth is.
I’m tired of thinking and playing small. And I am sick and tired of having a “scarcity” mindset.
This is a way for me to further challenge myself. And it’s a way for me to network with like-minded people in the business space.
My thoughts are, I can’t afford to NOT go to these sorts of things. I absolutely need to attend. And I didn’t want to go with the basic seats. I didn’t even want to go with the $10,000 VIP tickets.
What I did was to go with the absolute best Premier seats because that was the only way for me to sit next to the speakers and the business titans themselves. That’s easily worth the $15,000 per ticket, in my mind.
How much money do you spend on self-development? Do you make it a priority, or do you give yourself second-class treatment by ignoring yourself and your true potential. To go further, do you even believe you’re fulfilling your true potential? If not, then why not?


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