Dream 3/24/19 10:33 AM

I woke up a while ago. Pissed and didn't drink any water. I'm going to right now. Be right back.

Just drank some water from the unfiltered cup (didn't sink for 15 minutes) so it was kidna weird tasting on my tongue.

Anyway, I'm at Menards or Home Depot because I'm picking out a green powder or chalk or something for a party I'm having.

I happen to bump into a couple on my side and Ethan Rosuck. I hear the couple talk about pornographic material for a party of their own. I pick out a plastic package with firefighters or something else really small miniature figurines. This makes me think that we are all just products and no longer consumers. We are mostly being consumed by our technology and regressing back to the bonobic days, except for the 1% who are aware of this phenomenon.

I pick out three different colors after making my easy selection. Then, I proceed to the counter to check out. I tell the lady there or rather the guy there, "how are you doing?" He doesn't respond (nonreactive). So I turn to the ladies in the line behind me and give a face of disgust. They laugh stupendously. It's pretty funny, but they laugh a bit more than normal friendship type of laughter. I'm funny, but not a comedian yet.

Anyway, again, I'm gathering up the groceries or products or items myself and actually do not go to the exit. I have different set of intentions but a limited amount of time apparently because I wake up soon. But before I do, I go back reverse way from the line and semi-head towards the exit, but make my way through a bunch of carts back to the register way. To be more specific, that lady said, "[IN ALL MY LIFE] YOU ARE THE FUNNIEST AMERICAN BOY I HAVE EVER MET (or SEEN)" over a text message. [lOVER text? What are you seeing DP?]

"What's the (greatest or) most important thing that you have?"

"Life." That shit was very deep and I became very grateful that very moment. We live in three day time periods. We are not meant to live up to 100 years old. That's actually not nature's intended path. We are very instant gratification-oriented creatures, and yet, we somehow managed to stay extremely healthy for long periods of time and give ourselves a time extension. Isn't that fucking awesome?! HAha hell yes it is!

It makes me so happy and grateful that I have "life." Have a great rest of your life, ladies and gentlemen.


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