Best Questions To Ask (Groupthink? What are the most common and uncommon or rare candy ideas? Common sense is uncommon btw. )

If you did not exist, what would you be doing now?
To what extent do you shape your own destiny, and how much is down to fate?
(Ethics or ideal results? Do the ends justify the means?) Should people care more about doing the right thing or doing things right? [Only when it benefits me and my loved ones.]
What do people strive for after enlightenment? (Once you've made it to the top, where do you go from there?)
If lying is wrong, are white lies okay? (Is it ever okay to bend the truth for the overall good?)
Can we have happiness without sadness? (If so, is pure happiness ever possible?)
Does sound happen if nothing is present to hear it(if a tree falls in the woods)?
Does observation alter an event? Double-slit experiment in user perception. "Would you rather" and "this or that?"

What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
What are some of your long-term goals?
What did you have for dinner last night?
What is your favorite meal of the day (and dish)?
What do you do for a living?
What's the most useful thing you own?
What's your spirit animal? Dolphin for me. Sexual, intelligent, and perceptive. Extremely versatile.

What is the first thing you notice about a person? Their face, body, and really the mind/life energy behind that entity of bacteria and humanness.
What are some challenges you think the next generation will face?
What three habits will improve your life?
for what in your life do you feel most grateful?
If you could have lunch with one person alive or dead, who would it be? Jesus Christ. Aka God. The Holy Spirit and Virgin Mary at the same time. 5some.
What is your favorite season, and why?
Do you have any guilty pleasures? Everyone has that song or movie that they secretly love.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

What is the number one item you would save from your burning house?
What really makes you angry? What's your trigger? Super attractive women I crush on. Why?
What is your favorite thing about your career? Positive sides of working.
What makes you laugh the most?
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? This question helps you to understand what they truly value most in life. Sex, people, and culture. Really, I love genuine and long term real relationships with girls. Guys are great like Ledo, Richard, Humza, Jesse, Leonid, but they don't have pussies.
Are you a clean or messy person or in-between?
What does a successful relationship look like to you? Lots of sex twice a week or even three times!
Everyone has their own unique idea of what a perfect relationship looks like.
What is something you like to do that other people would probably consider "weird" if they knew?
What was your upbringing like?
If you had to describe yourself in five words, what would they be? This question might take some thought, but the answers can be very revealing. I'm very fit, fast, funny, focused, and fuckable.
What goals do you have for the next five years? A person's hopes and dreams are a part of who they are, and who they will be.
What big life changes have you recently experienced? Recent experiences can play a major role in a person's attitude and behaviors.
What is your favorite holiday? Light and easy conversation also helping you understand who they are.
What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Donate to charity or hit the bar? The answer can say a lot about their priorities in life. I would fuck the shit out of a blonde lady under 175 lbs and shorter than me preferably. Tall girls are fine too, but less likely to say yes oddly enough.

Ask a girl these:
What have you learned from your past relationship? Every relationship's end is a new opportunity for growth. Share your wisdom.
What is the most important thing that guys should understand about the girl, and it seems to you that they do not understand? There's nothing wrong with a little self-improvement.
What is the most useless thing you've ever bought? We've all squandered our money on something that ended up in the junk-drawer.
Which decade do you think had the best sense of style? Bellbottoms in the 70s? Day-dresses in the 30s?
What is your silliest fear? There's no shame in unreasonable fear.
If you had to compare yourself to one fictional character, who would it be? This question can help you to understand how she views herself, and the type of person she would like to be.
What is the worst pickup line you've ever heard? Most girls have heard a few stinkers in their day. Laugh at them, but please don't use them.

In this society, guys have to make the first move. 

Questions to ask a guy. What's one thing people would never know about you just by looking at you? A lot of guys have interests and passions you would never expect.
What's the sweetest thing you've ever done for a girl? Feel free to shamelessly steal his idea next time you're trying to do some charming of your own.
Have you ever made a decision that changed your entire life? If so, what was it? This question can lead to some fascinating conversations.
Would you rather go out or stay in on a Saturday night? Are they more of a party person or a chiller? Chiller and sex.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done for a girl? We've all done it. Share your stories of reckless romance. Gave a girl <$200 Alexa Krol after she added me on Snapchat.
Where do you like to go to have fun? You'll learn about him, and you might find out about a cool new thing to do in your area.
What is your favorite thing about being a guy? Besides being able to stand while you pee, of course. The power and social influence is hella nice.
What is your most useless skill? Repeatedly being able to snap my thumb. Most valuable? Coding. Men are all about their skills, no matter how pointless they may be.
Like golfing? Hahahahahaha.
What's the best bad decision you ever made? Sleeping with Carly. That moment that seemed so wrong but turned out so right. Having sex in general!
What is the best pizza topping combination? Everyone loves pizza. Yes! Deep dish with mushrooms, sausage, pepperoni, pineapple, ham, turkey, bacon, lean beef, siracha or ghost chili pepper sauce, hot sauce, mild, medium, garlic, jalapenos, onions, tomatoes, diced, etc........

Q to ask your girlfriend:
What did you always want to try but never found the courage to do? Listen to her answer, and help her achieve her dreams.
Do you enjoy being out in nature? If so, maybe a camping trip is in order.
What's the best way to spend a rainy afternoon? Hopefully it's cuddled up with you.
What's the silliest reason you've ever gotten into a fight with someone? Sometimes dumb fights happen. Hopefully hers was with someone else!
How are you really? Simple, actually very meaningful. Communication is essential to the success of any relationship. It's nice to check in every once in a while.
What is the most thoughtful gift you ever received? Take not and try to outdo it.
What's the best topping/ice cream combination? This question should probably be followed by an impromptu date to your local ice cream parlor.

What does love look like to you? Find common ground and create your perfect idea of love together.
What is your favorite dessert? Take note and treat her to it.
When was the first time you became aware of me? Sharing memories is a wonderful way to reconnect and remember why you're together in the first place.
Do you remember the first thing we said to one another?
What's your favorite memory of me? We're in the business of ideas, memories, and energy/time.
Make sure you have a fond memory of her ready to talk about.
What is your favorite way of spending time with me? Whatever it is, make it a point to do it more. Sex? Emotional intimacy, a spark or connection.

I'm done for tonight. Writing. I have... other needs to attend to.


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