15 Things Holding you back.

1. Being fake. Your pursuit of personal happiness and success.

2. Jobs that make you miserable. Find better alternatives. Don't give up. You have to try.

3. Relationships that don't make us happy. Choose him or her for the long run. Put solid thinking into it.

4. Overthinking. Paralyzed or stressed out for things outside of your control. Worry will never change the outcome. You only get a handful of opportunities in life.

5. Spending time where you don't really want to be. Stop throwing away your precious time in places you don't value. If you don't like where you like, leave. Take the risk rather than be unhappy? Seneca's Letters from a Stoic.

6. Eating unhealthy. Eat your food as medicine or you'll eat medicine as your food.

7. Waiting for the perfect time or opportunity. Wake up. The best time to do something is today. You built the perfect time and opportunity will present itself.

8. Holding grudges over stupid stuff that doesn't really matter. Forgive each other in the big picture. Be at peace with yourself rather than being right.

9. Being stuck in the past. You've changed, evolved, and transformed. New focus on being someone new. Software update of your mindset.

10. Mediocrity is a sin and should be treated as much. 8 billion pixel canvas.

11. Fear of change. Social change is happening. International dialogue is happening like never before. Don't be scared of the unknown. Be scared of sticking with your past ways.

12. Social media is noise that pollutes you. Don't keep up with the Kim Kardashians please!

13. Hard drugs and excessive alcohol. Substances in hopes of escaping the world. You can control what happens to you. You're the captain of the ship.

14. Taking yourself serious all the time. Don't kill the inner child within you.

15. Living the life other people expect you to live. Don't live a life other people want you to live. We each have our own expectations. What we like isn't everyone's cup of tea.

16. Trying to make everybody happy. You can't. There are too many demands.


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