
     More like slave-commerce. What's the opportunity cost of going online to FaceBook (Instagram of cocaine dopamine), Snapchat, or any other "social" media? Being anti-social. You are talking and inputting into a computer not an actual human being. You are failing to interact face-to-face and you are paying for it in terms of monetary compensation. You aren't being creative. You're being extremely logical and rational and autistic. That isn't alpha at all.

     If you're like my parents who enjoy wasting time by watching television when they get home and overstimulate their brains you're putting junk into your brain. You're creating a junkyard of useless neurochemical connections. "OPEN YOUR EYES." an advertisement for Oculus Rift ironically displays on a Chicago bus stop. When you open your eyes, you're subjected to a sunny satirical fantasy of porn, paradise, and unfulfilled dreams. You're effectively watching others as a spectator or onlooker rather than as a player or a participant. When you play video games, you are being played by the system. You are not progressing in life. You are being stagnant, or even worse regressing and becoming retarded evolutionary creatures. Mentally handicapped. Stupider.

     You may have a false sense of going somewhere, but you aren't moving. It's like the 9 to 5 rat race on a hamster wheel, but you're on a treadmill limping or walking or jogging or running or even sprinting. Realize that you're still not going anywhere. You're cycling on a stationary bike being stationed. You are not moving. You are staying in place. One location. How can you expect to move forward with your life when you are doing what everybody else is doing?

     You must be exceptional. You must be awesome, impressive, and excellent. You must make an income, make yourself orgasm, or inspire people to make an income or orgasm. Either way, you must make money with someone, sometime, somewhere (place), somehow and because you need to survive and reproduce simply put. Biologically that is the only reason we exist. If we aren't smashing, we are failing our true purpose and calling. WE don't need lots of money. We don't need to be extravagant. We only need to be creative, resourceful, and grateful for what we already have.

     We are already trillionaires on the species, race, and entire family tree. We are supreme. We are Gods among mere mortals and animals without brains. We are the end all be all. The alpha and the omega. We are worth 32 GB of data at time of extreme pressure and pleasure released into the environment. Warmth, massage, and sex. Great food, fruit, water, and air supply of rich oxygen. Interaction and submersion with nature and the sun itself (simply exploding Hydrogen or Vitamin D) free of charge. 10 minutes a day.

    Unfiltered thoughts with minimal edits (only spelling, indentation, and grammar errors/mistakes).


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