RSD Tyler's True Motivation For Mastering Social Skills

     Believe and assume you have value or worth. Underlying beliefs buyer and seller dynamic. Open-minded to meeting them and entertaining you and not getting something from them. You've got the goods. You have value. The world is a friendly place. People have familiarity with you and positive. Expecting it will go well and assuming it will go great. Superior qualifying inner beliefs. Core chemistry and attraction being exposed. Why is it I'm coming across like this? Maybe my beliefs are off. Get present in the moment (awareness out here) and you've got a lot of bandwidth.
     I have nothing to say and it drove me crazy. No story or focused on your past. Short memory then goes onto the next one. NFL players. Forget about it and move on! Public speaking, talking to anybody who you need to talk to, not afraid of failing, and take on a professional endeavor. Stay with it. Confidence builds your belief in a massive momentum upward spiral.
     We all carry childhood emotional trauma (surrounding approval) energy. It's difficult to just flow energetically. You're going to get exposed and let go and having fun. You're going to wonder why? You'll be forced to look at it and fix it! Nervousness and look at my beliefs. My wits about me. Darker energy on how to release trauma. Where your focus lies. Are you focused on the upside of something or what could go wrong? Playing to win or not lose? Momentum how is it fueling that? Cool things that could happen fluidness, looseness, and free emotions were great. Dating, attraction, and social skills. Look at one of those categories and chip away at it in that inner journey. Making a new product in your business life. Believing in yourself and takes steps it's going to be okay.
     It's going to change your life in so many different areas.
     Foundation in your castle. Courage to get out there and learn. The behavior and hard social skills that you have are related to your inner change work. Wow, that person's cool. Work on yourself internally. Tell-tale signs. Great eye contact is outer behavior. Getting used to having good energy inside of you and just resting there. Assume your value and feel good about yourself. Intense and mysterious, soft, powerful, and grounded in your eye contact.
      Humor comes from a light way of life. When is the right time or appropriate time is a respect for other people and yourself? Know you're a leader and physical contact is attractive. Be aware of how that other person's feeling. How to present yourself. Behavioral change. Understanding other people. Look at these other skills you have to develop. Humor, eye contact, and body language. An intersection point of having what's inside being beautiful, and get out of your own head to be present to what others are feeling and want to know what they're feeling. Don't be super creepy, feel social cues. High status. Don't be weird or off. Not tense. No uptalk or approval-seeking or laughing at your own jokes, cool right? Hahahaha. Manifesting.
     Respect yourself. Don't keep your ego going. What is a win-win to them?
     Behavior is an intersection of the inside and the outside journey that exposes all that.
     Network, get a job, make an impression, and use persuasion. Have this down. Understand how other people are feeling and caring. Increases your self-respect as well.
     Just by going out and working on social skills other aspects are getting a huge upgrade on your social life.
     The epicenter of commerce and marketing cheesy commercial place in NY Square.
     Metalevel awareness. Get out of your head. Put yourself into the mindset of another person. It's not me show or me time about them. Your life's going to be better too. Where are they trying to get to? Who's the alpha person? Who are they trying to get to? Their priority? Offer value? Dispensing your personality that is good and fun for them? By offering value. So weird and so annoying beautiful banner blindness. You're oversaturated with it.
     How do you make yourself stand out? Different energy going on around you.
     Merge into it and play around with the energy and have that fun vibe. Audit your feelings. Balancing empathy vs pandering. Showing that you're a great person. Inner belief fixed, outer behaviors fixed, and low key low pressure and light right off the bat. See energy and play with it. This is helping you with every aspect of your life.
     The most important lesson.

     Everything is going to happen exactly as it should.

Part of life is getting grounded to the experience in front of you going by in a blur and frenetic frantic energy instead of enjoying what's in front of you right now. Gratitude is going to empower you. See the lessons that come up as they hit you and land. This is exactly what you're supposed to be experiencing.
     You'll have a lot of losses wild crazy experiences one night and really frustrate you and deplete you. What am I missing here? What is the missing piece? Boom you get a win. Best night of your life and it goes well with them. Oftentimes in breakups, it's going to feel so painful and it happens exactly at the right time. You have to let go and it hurts. Swingers.
     Your ex calling you back right at the moment. All of the things you have are magnetically attracted back into you. Boom. Abundance attracted. Enjoying life general experience. Health, higher purpose, greater life mission and plans of what you're going to do. Letting the lessons land, taking feedback, and flowing. Not "I'll be happy when...." but "I'm so happy and grateful that life is here for your education."
     Work on being more attractive is just the tip of the iceberg. A larger metaphor for what you gain from your journey itself. Really planting a seed here and opening your eyes giving you a context for what's to come in life. Godspeed, peace!



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