
Showing posts from November, 2012

"We don't reward stupidity."

Wise words of Uncle Mike.

"If you fall, I'll be there."

Lies don't always end relationships, sometimes the truth does.

What Stupid Things Do Guys Say? Ps made by a guy.

Did you bang her? Sorry, I didn't see your text. It's gonna be epic! I'm gonna murder that pizza. t was fu**in sick! I'm gettin swole at the gym later. Dude, there were so many cougars there! Confidence is sexy. I'm watching the game.  I don't know. I was so wasted last night. Did you get your period yet? I'm tired as hell She's a psycho bitch She's cool. That's what's up.

Lucille Clifton

Homage to My Hips these hips are big hips. they need space to move around in. they don't fit into little petty places. these hips are free hips. they don't like to be held back. these hips have never been enslaved, they go where they want to go they do what they want to do. these hips are mighty hips. these hips are magic hips. i have known them to put a spell on a man and spin him like a top  Lucille Clifton

Apply properties of non-integer exponents

Example If  , which of the following are equivalent to  ? .  .  .  (A) None (B)   and   only (C)   and   only (D)   and   only (E)  ,  , and 

Determine the effect of changes in the linear dimensions of a figure on other measures of the figure, such as area.

Example  How does this make sense?! The circumference, in inches, of a certain circle is  , where  . Which of the following is a possible area of the circle, in square inches? (A)  (B)  (C)  (D)  (E) 

Kate Shepard is wise (:

'The world is like a ride at an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think that it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly  colored   and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long  time, and they begin to question - is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us. They say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride.' And we...kill those people. Ha ha ha. 'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride. SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and family. This just has to be real.' It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: it's just a r

Quick Talk

Writing is and has always been the centerfold of my fiery, burning passion since childbirth, after appearing our of my mother's dark and stormy, cave-like womb. Life has produced seven rugged notebooks of my life as solid proof of my joys. On a belated note, I must be one of the only few dedicated lunatics dedicated to the art of pleasurable writing. will help you get a lucid dream

However, sensestamp costs you money. But I believe that the pros outweigh the negative. Happy listening! :]

Interesting posts you have here young grasshopper.

This girl deserves an A on her Chinese homework.

THE Interjection You Should Subjugate Yourselves With

Here I am, staring at my computer, writing today, waiting for some finery confection, thinking about who the fuck even reads my stupid blog and who would take their time to read past this first sentence? It made me reflect on the couple years and many hours I have spent reviewing and revising stuff on my blog and wondering who reads this? Well, considering I have no viable form of advertising nor any way to tell my friends, far or close (thoughts are very personal, private, and reserved for an anonymous reader), Will you be the first follower who will actually read the "literature" that I typed/produced with currently disfigured hands and previously uninterrupted composure? Also, it would be nice to have an editor. I need feedback people! Editor's note : David has a dislocated/chipped/fractured ring finger. Please follow him if you care.

which colleges/universities pay out the best salaries when you graduate?

Just Plain Boffo

It can not be disputed that the current US government is pragmatic rather than stoic, disciplined, or perfect. Usually, my opponents flaunt above their high held schadenfreude when I fail, but I restrain myself in fear of random usually environmental triggered variables/circumstances. Like me, depressed or suicidal people tend to be misanthropes as they grow older, distrustful of all humanity. Harvard's esoteric z-list is deemed elite because only a few people out of thousands are selected/invited to attend Harvard. The didactic ( a   :   designed or intended to teach b   :  intended to  convey  instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment  < didactic  poetry> 2 :   making   moral   observations ) pedant, or teacher, failed to mandate (administer or assign) a homework essay/project because he failed to establish a relationship between him and the avid students. He was very pedantic, or unimaginative, and exaggerated many possible minu

Strange Addictions

Sex Addiction Can you be addicted to sex? The Psychologists and Sexologists are still trying to decide. They do believe it has a lot to do with hypersexuality and substance abuse which lower your inhibitions. They can't decide if the condition is OCD, similar to drug and alcohol abuse or just a myth. Some celebrity "Sex Addicts" include Tiger Woods, Eric Benet, David Duchovney, Jenny Ketcham (aka Penny Lane) and last but not least Charlie Sheen.  Workaholism Believe it or not this addiction is totally real! It is considered an OCD. People with this addiction focus entirely on work and don't care that their personal lives are totally destroyed or nonexistent. In Japan, Karoshi (death by overwork) claims over 1000 lives per year. There is also a condition known as "leisure illness" which occurs when workaholics try to relax or take a vacation. They actually become physically ill. 

The Hurting Truth

One man born, yet another forgotten. Who am I but a flower in the wind rooted to a dark world, Searching but never finding.

Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson at Montclair Kimberly Academy

Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson at Montclair Kimberly Academy - 2010-Jan-29 Neil deGrasse Tyson: "If you think education is expensive, try the cost of ignorance. Trust me on this one. I guarantee that stimulating curiosity is the best thing you can do for someone. ...And what I want is a level of science and cultural literacy... that will allow the public to be able to think beyond the election cycle. To think for themselves and say... 'this is a good investment.' How many times have you heard people say, 'if you're spending money up there, why do we have the problems down here? And asked, 'how much money are we spending up there?' Ask that question. And guess what [I'm going to say]? Six-tenth of your penny is spent on your tax dollar. Six-tenth pays for it all! If you need that money to solve these problems, you've got some other problems going on, OKAY? That's a whole 'nother problem with society. [audience applause]

Domingo be cray

My bus driver almost killed a puppy today. The puppy was running across the road, but luckily our bus driver Domingo abruptly stopped the bus. Whew.


Seth: I joined this class because I thought I was going to be cooking with a partner. But she's never here, and I don't get twice the grades for doing all the work.Teacher: I didn't invent odd numbers, Seth.Seth: I know, but look at Evan. Just look at him.Evan: [His partner is tying on his apron] Hey, don't keep me waiting much longer, I'm getting impatient up here.Seth: I'm over here in my unit, isolated and alone, eating my terrible tasting food, and I have to look over at that. That looks like the most fun I've ever seen in my entire life, and it's B.S. - excuse my language. I'm just saying that I wash and dry; I'm like a single mother. Look, we all know home-ec is a joke - no offense - it's just that everyone takes this class to get an A, and it's bullshit - and I'm sorry. I'm not putting down your profession, but it's just the way I feel. I don't want to sit here, all by myself, cooking this shitty food - no offense -

Ernest Farewell to Arms (Wiki)

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