
Showing posts from February, 2013

Fuckin' Brilliant Oana, My Amiga :)

it's actually really disturbing that kids falling asleep in school is viewed as them being lazy and not as the school overworking them to the point where they literally can't stay awake

David Wong, Thank God for You, Sir

Scientists talk about dark matter, the invisible, mysterious substance that occupies the space between stars. Dark matter makes up 99.99 percent of the universe, and they don't know what it is. Well I do. It's apathy. That's the truth of it; pile together everything we know and care about in the universe and it will still be nothing more than a tiny speck in the middle of a vast black ocean of Who Gives a Fuck.

LegalZahn Typical Reactions

LegalZahn The universe is neither benign nor malign, it simply doesn't know that you exist and doesn't care. It is cruel in it's randomness if anything. The lack of control in the enormity of it all can make a person crack. But your feelings of persecution only exist because, in all it's perversity, it comforts you, it makes you feel special. Saddest thing is, it's false. You are not special. You live a very short amount of time on this planet, then you are gone, and very little of what happens matters. *shows badge* Im from the fbi we've been conducting investigations on you bcoz youre a huge faggot. Basically leave your house a lot because we (the fbi) WILL NOT break in and paw through all your valuables. Also poop all you want bcoz your sewer line DOES NOT feeds directly to our local headquarters so we can replace you with a clone built from poop & pee dna. If you know this guy in real life, please refer him to psychiatric help immedia

Top Comments on The Boondocks Theme Song Meaning

the stone / the stone is a member of the public,the system,the masses that makes up the pyramid,the triangle,the delta (w/e u wanna call it) heiarchy. the builders / the ones who design this heiarchy, the ones who ,controls the masses,the public, decides who is part of the pyramid and who isnt. The wall builders,the holders of the knowedge of the sacred geometry . I am the stone that the builders refused/ You want a happy life,happylife? (get a job,a car,a house,a family)You go to school,highschool,college, are being moulded into a piece of the pyramid, into a brick to build the wall, into a member of the workforce, into a "skilled worker"/ this guy is saying he went through all that,he did what they asked him to do ,go through their "education" system,believe in their economic system,their foreign policy ,their dream. it didnt happen, he didnt get a job,he couldnt afford a car or a house.although he followed their guidelines to a "happy life"..he

Michael Hampson and Other Real Thinkers

    Michael Hampson:  Obviously, it is not unreasonable. What is unreasonable, is that believers demand undue respect for having an invisible friend. Sorry, if you are a believer, you get ZERO respect from me. Steven Brian Pounsett:  You'll believe someday, I pray for your sake its before its to late. Joseph H. Chrestos:  Take your prayer and stuff it. Anyone can prove to themselves that prayer doesn't work. Try praying for something outside the natural laws of the universe. Guess what will happen...Nothing. Just more of the infantile lunacy that goes along with believing in an invisible magic man. Michael Hampson:  This comment for Steven. The most intelligent comment you could make from a person who claims to be in communication (Prayer works! The Christians chant.) with an all powerful "God" with unlimited wisdom is to threaten me. Steven just threaten me by  saying I better believe or I will go to hell. Jesus H. Christi Steven, you have a great imagination

Thank You Stephen Roberts

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” Stephen Roberts

Living, Breathing Quotes

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?  Then he is not omnipotent.  Is he able, but not willing?  Then he is malevolent.  Is he both able and willing?  Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? - Epicurus   If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would choose to save people on the basis of the  totality of their lives and not the pattern of their words. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist  to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul. – Isaac  Asimov   The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of  it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic,  homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic,  capriciously malevolent bully. – Richard Dawkins

Religious Harm

Because most religions conceive of morality as a matter of being obedient to the word of God (generally for the sake of receiving a supernatural reward), their precepts often have nothing to do with maximizing well-being in this world. Religious believers can, therefore, assert the immorality of contraception, masturbation, homosexuality, etc., without ever feeling obliged to argue that these practices actually cause suffering. They can also pursue aims that are flagrantly immoral, in that they needlessly perpetuate human misery, while believing that these actions are morally obligatory. This pious uncoupling of moral concern from the reality of human and animal suffering has caused tremendous harm.

Unusual Questionare

30rockasaurus when you say 'usual questionnaire' does that mean that all the actors get asked the same questions on inside the actors studio?   Anonymous No, they get asked questions relating specifically to the actor and their work/life, but Lipton also has a set questionnaire that he asks everyone he interviews for ITAS. …Unless it’s changed and I didn’t know. But in every one I’ve seen he asks these questions: What is your favorite word? What is your least favorite word? What turns you on? What turns you off? What sound or noise do you love? What sound or noise do you hate? What is your favorite curse word? What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? What profession would you not like to do? If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

From a fan. Gamers, this one's for you.

so a 30 second advert on TV has influence over us (according to all the research) and violant games played for hours doesnt? Think about it! No Sarah it doesn't. Remember in the wake of sim city how all those kids took up urban planning?

Great Wikis for Intellectuals

Piero Ferrucci  is a  psychotherapist  and a  philosopher . He graduated from the  University of Torino  in 1970. He was trained by  Roberto Assagioli , the founder of  psychosynthesis , and has written several books: What We May Be: The Vision and Techniques of Psychosynthesis  (1982,  ISBN 978-0-87477-192-3 ) [1]  is a comprehensive description of this approach, with exercises and practical tips. Inevitable Grace  (1990,  ISBN 978-0-87477-550-1 ) is the result of a nine year research in the lives of hundreds of creative and enlightened people of all times and cultures. It describes their  peak experiences  and highest moments, as well as how they achieved their breakthroughs. Psychology  is an academic and  applied discipline  that involves the  scientific study  of  mental functions  and behaviors . [1] [2]  Psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases, [3] [4]  and by many