LegalZahn Typical Reactions

The universe is neither benign nor malign, it simply doesn't know that you exist and doesn't care.
It is cruel in it's randomness if anything. The lack of control in the enormity of it all can make a person crack. But your feelings of persecution only exist because, in all it's perversity, it comforts you, it makes you feel special.
Saddest thing is, it's false. You are not special. You live a very short amount of time on this planet, then you are gone, and very little of what happens matters.

*shows badge* Im from the fbi we've been conducting investigations on you bcoz youre a huge faggot. Basically leave your house a lot because we (the fbi) WILL NOT break in and paw through all your valuables. Also poop all you want bcoz your sewer line DOES NOT feeds directly to our local headquarters so we can replace you with a clone built from poop & pee dna.

If you know this guy in real life, please refer him to psychiatric help immediately. He is demonstrating all the textbook symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.
He is potentially dangerous. This videos are remarkably similar to the Jared Lee Loughner Youtube videos.

Those keys are being worn by an FBI agent to taunt you into inciting violence against him so they can use those keys to lock you up in a jail cell and torture information out of you.
if he is stalking you why are you behind him

This guy is a paranoid schizophrenic. If you know him in real life, please refer hom to psychiatric care. His delusions could, and likely will, become more and more extreme to the point that he becomes dangerous.
This fucker thinks everybody is an FBI agent!!!

God this guy is crazy it's hilarious!
What a fucking nutjob, jesus

Dude, you are mentally ill. The police know you because they get called out to deal with you all the time. You don't remember because you're not right in the head.
nigga you crazy as fuck, get some psychological help

"Is it just Kroger stores?" LOLLLL I love this cop.
To the guy filming this: Sir, you ARE crazy. 100% delusional lunatic. Why would the FBI be drugging food in grocery stores? Why would they be following you around and staffing the store you go to?
Do you know why they asked you to leave? Because you're a weirdo who bothers them all the time, films people and makes them uncomfortable. It's private property. They don't have to give you a reason to ask you to leave.
See a shrink.
At :50 the cop gets nervous, unlatches his taser, then goes nahh, and puts his hand on his gun... LOL

Okay. Okay.
Reply to: we really need to stop allowing dysfunctional people to own camcorders.
this is the best reality T.V. ever. We need to hand out video cams to these people

She told him to leave 1,500 times.
True fact.
Schizophrenia is bad mmkay

very weird... you were doing nothing wrong. their response was strange. and in most states you don't need consent from both parties to film them... funny that they thought you were doing something illegal when their security cameras were filming you without your consent too...
just by looking at ur face it does look that ur weird and crazy

@LegalZahn, please contact the following institution to put an end to all the FBI/NSA stalkers and harassment;
AspenPointe, Inc.
525 North Cascade, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-5348
I think you have a mental issue.


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