10 Signs That You Should Get Back Together

Sometimes breaking up is the right thing to do….and other times it’s a mistake. Here’s how to tell if you should get back together:

1.    You miss them. This is a pretty straightforward sign that maybe you were wrong to break up. It’s natural to miss anyone that isn’t in your life anymore, but sometimes you miss them so much that you know that you want them back.
2.    You’re both available. If neither one of you have moved on after breaking up, maybe there’s a reason why. If either of you really wanted to be with other people then why are you still single? Maybe you’re keeping yourself available in hopes that you’ll get back together.
3.    You still have positive feelings. If you don’t hate your ex or have feelings of bitterness or hurt, but instead have lots of positive memories, maybe you shouldn’t have broken up. When you think of them, if you think of only positive things then it could be a sign that there are still good things to come from your relationship.
4.    It ended well. It’s hard to justify getting back together if it ended badly with one of you betraying or hurting the other. But if it ended without any major hurt or nasty incident, then it’s easy to see why you should still be together.
5.    You’ve talked about what went wrong. If you’ve been able to talk to each other and identify where your relationship went wrong then you stand a chance at getting back together. This is a sign that you’re able to look at the problems that you had and can communicate about them.
6.    You can both admit your mistakes. If you are both mature enough to say you’re sorry or admit the areas of your relationship where you made mistakes, then you might want to try it again. It’s hard to admit when you’re wrong in a relationship and if you can do that and move forward it’s a sign of a strong relationship.
7.    You know what needs to change. Part of knowing what went wrong is being able to identify what needs to change. If you can do this you’ll know that you aren’t just going to get back together and have the same problems again and again.
8.    You still like them as a person. Even after the romance and the relationship is over, if you still like them as a person then it’s easy to think about getting back together. If you don’t respect them without the romantic connection then it’s not worth saving.
9.    You still spend all of your time together. If you’re still together all the time after breaking up, then maybe it was the wrong decision. If you’re still connected and always want to be around each other you might just want to get back together.
10. You’re not satisfied as friends. If you’ve tried breaking up and just being friends but have the feeling that it’s just not enough then you should think about getting back together and trying things again.


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