I really want to lucid dream, but how?

i heard lucid dreaming is good for you and i really want to try it! have you ever done it? whats it feel like? and how can i do it? thanks!

Answer Chosen by Voters:
Oh yes!

1.)The Critical Facility: One very definite sure fire method of mastering lucid dreaming is to develop your critical facility. This is the area of your brain that gives you the ability to analyze and use logic when you're dreaming. When you analyze, judge and use logic in your dreams, you'll be able to distinguish what is impossible and what is real. Then you'll become aware that you're dreaming and gain full consciousness and control of your dream. It will take less than a year or perhaps even just a few months until your brain reacts to the affirmation or it may take several months. But it will eventually happen. There have been some people who have achieved this withing just a few short months, but definitely less than a year.

When you lie down to go to sleep, repeat this affirmation 100x: "I NOW PERMANENTLY OPEN UP MY CRITICAL FACILITY TO MAXIMUM POTENTIAL."

Make sure that you visualize your brain glowing very brightly while repeating the above affirmation 100x. And make sure that you don't think about anything else before you fall asleep, or it won't work. You must remember to do this mental exercise every time you lie down to go to sleep......EVERY TIME!

2.) Set aside from developing your critical facility, you should keep a dream journal and do your best to record with detail every dream you have, immediately after you wake up. This way, you'll be building your ability to remember your dreams. You can also look at your hands throughout the day and repeat to yourself, "am I having a lucid dream."

Most people don't have the patience to learn this sort of thing. Lucid Dreaming can in fact be used as a very powerful mental laboratory. People have learned to expand their intelligence as well as alter their GENES. People who have mastered Lucid Dreaming claim that such things can be accomplished. You can in fact have lucid dreams in which case you feel certain that you're actually physically there. I promise you that it will feel so real to you and that you will have so much control over your dream, that it will frighten you with excitement. You'll wake up the next day feeling very thrilled at what you've accomplished.

3.) Here is a daytime meditation that you can do. Sit down in a comfortable place and close your eyes. Try visualize your thalamus gland in your brain glowing very brightly. See lasers firing out of your thalamus gland and into every area of your brain. Now see your entire brain glowing very brightly. While you're visualizing this, begin repeating to yourself 100x, "I NOW PROGRAM MY ENTIRE BRAIN TO GIVE THE MOST EXCELLENT POSSIBLE ANALYTICAL, PERCEPTUAL, CREATIVE ARTISTIC & LUCID DREAMING ABILITY. AND ALSO, A VERY HIGHLY DEVELOPED & DISCIPLINED MEMORY. After two weeks of repeating this affirmation, you'll be able to say it to yourself without even thinking.

You must do the above mental exercise at least six days every week, and it will be about 12-18 months until you've finally programed your brain. But you'll not only be a lucid dreamer, you'll be extremely intelligent as well, which means you'll stand a better chance of being successful in life.


4.) If you are looking for a much easier way and have lots of money, then buy the nova dream goggles as a powerful aid.


5.) Or if you want a less expensive version of the lucid dream goggles, then go here:



Also you might want to read all of this info to help you out.


I hope that my answer will help.....it should if you use all of it!

P.S. You can use lucid dreaming as a doorway into remote viewing or astral projection.


The Art Of Lucid Dreaming, by Carlos Castaneda

Adventures Beyond The Body, by William Buhlman

Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat


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