How Entrepreneurial are YOU?

This entrepreneurial self-evaluation activity will help you gain a greater self-understanding as you determine if you have the traits found in successful entrepreneurs. Read each question and circle the letter of the sentence that describes you the best.

1. Are you self-motivated?
b. I like to do things my own way and come up with my own ideas about how to accomplish things. (10 points)

2. Are you a leader?

c. Most people go along with my ideas without too much difficulty. (10 points)

3. How organized are you? 

a. I like to make plans before I start something, and I stick to my plan until it's done. (10 points)

4. How do you feel about people?

c. I really enjoy people and get along with them very well. (10 points)

5. Are you a good worker?

a. I can work hard and push through until the goal is accomplished. I don't mind working hard. (10 points)

6. Can you make decisions?

b. I like to make my own decisions good or bad, I am willing to put up with the consequences. (10 points)

7. Can people trust you?

b. I tend to say things in a straightforward way, even if other people may not agree with me. (10 points)

8. Can you "stick" with something?

c. If I set a goal and make up my mind to do something, nothing stops me. (10 points)

9. Do you take responsibility?

a. I like to take charge and see things through. (10 points)

10. Are records important to you?

b. Records are critical to help me measure my success. (10 points)

Now look at your answers. There should be ten answers circled. Take the number of point in parenthesis after each of your answers and add them all together. If you would like to use a calculator to add your point total, you may do so. The sum of your total points should be no larger than 100 and no smaller than 50. Use the figures below to describe how entrepreneurial you may be.

(100-86) You have very strong entrepreneurial characteristics. Take the advice of Debbi Field's and find out what you love to do and become the best at it. You have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. 

(85-71) If you truly have a desire to be an entrepreneur and you scored in this range, determine your weaknesses and overcome them. Remember, learning to do something well builds confidence.

(70-50) You may want to consider working in a position where you are more secure and comfortable. The risks and commitment level required of an entrepreneur may be difficult for you at this time. If you want to become more entrepreneurial, set some goals and go after them.


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