4/3/19 I'm doing a challenge where I don't fap/masturbate or watch any porn for a month (until 5/3/19 or even beyond that time)

As a reward, I will eat dark chocolate. I absolutely love dark chocolate. 

I had all of these fucking tabs open on "secret" mode on the browser. This is what happens when you mindlessly consume ads from porn. You become a retard like me. So I'm now going to detox and unfuck myself! No more fapping/masturbation and no more looking at porn for one month! Maybe then, it will become 3 and then an entire year even! That will be great.

"...................." [spent almost 20 minutes typing out the video titles with the views, %, likes, and dislikes which was a pain in the ass and a complete waste of my time and limited life's glycogen energy]

Kinda worried about posting this, so I won't. Saved the original to a draft, copy & pasted the whole thing but deleted all 100+ videos (not literally a hundred, but it was quite a handful).

I really didn't want to watch any more porn because it felt like shit. I wasted my semen down the shower drain basically. I could've done any other thing to be more productive with my life.

I had another 2 tabs open which were:

On Quora, "Is it okay to tell a girl she's hot when you just started talking to her?"

Someone answered (with 145 views), "Yeah, but don't say 'you're hot'. If you want to seem normal, say something like 'You look nice today' 'Wow, you're so pretty!'. I don't know if it's just me, but if you want to talk to someone, saying she's got seems kind of douchey."

Another person answered (108 views), "'Hot' seems a bit informal and colloquial― especially if you just started talking to her. If there's evidence (or a good gut instinct) that she likes you somewhat, then I'd go with 'beautiful' or something."

"Ariana OK" answered (293 views) "Depends on your intent. Are you trying to get in her pants or do you want to date her? If it's sexy fun-time you're after, go ahead and tell her she's hot! Tell her a few things you find attractive about her if she responds well to being called hot. But if you'd like to have a relationship with her, maybe start off with 'you're beautiful' or a simple 'you've got such a pretty face' to get the ball rolling. These will make her feel like you're being much more sincere".

"Linda Cohagen" said (218 views) "Yeah, I wouldn't use those words to a girl you're just starting to talk to. But IMHO [in my own head] it would be okay to say that you think she's pretty. Say that near the end of your conversation, not as the opening line."

"Madeleine Gallay, studied at Paris, New York, Milano, London, Tokyo" (53 views with 2 Upvoters) said "It's not friendly and for many it's rather creepy [or weird/offputting].

Be friendly, not creepy."


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