
Showing posts from April, 2013

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My Journal

"Whenever someone sorrows, I do not say, "forget it," or "it will pass," or "it could be worse" -- all of which deny the integrity of the painful experience. But I say, to the contrary, "It is worse than you may allow yourself to think. Delve into the depth. Stay with the feeling. Think of it as a precious source of knowledge and guidance. Then and only then will you be ready to face it and be transformed in the process."

How to Own A Christian

Christian: My ancient magic book tells me the universe is 6000 years old Atheist: Ever look up in the sky? Christian: Um.. yes. Atheist: How long did it take for the light from that distant galaxy to reach the earth? Christian: **Head explodes**

Psychology Today Articles to Read

How to Treat Acne

Gently bathe your face with a mild cleanser, once in the morning and evening, as well as after exercise . Bathe the face from under the jaw to the hairline and rinse the skin. Ask your doctor for advice on the best type of cleanser for you. Don't use overly strong body soap . Using strong soaps or scrubbing, may in fact aggravate the problem and therefore prove counterproductive. Astringent cleansers are not recommended unless the skin is very oily, so they should be used individually only on oily spots. It is important to keep your hair very clean. If you have greasy hair, you should wash it every day. Avoid frequent handling of the skin Avoid rubbing and touching skin lesions . Squeezing, pinching or continually touching imperfections can lead to the development of scars or dark spots. Try different kinds of razors, both electric and edged, to find the one that's right for you . When you use an edged razor, always make sure the blade is sharp and soften your beard th

The key to a successful relationship is...


How to Handle Anger

Everyone gets angry sometimes. They lose something, or someone does something just plain rude to get on their nerves. Sometimes, you can get so angry that you express your anger on someone else, and it gets them angry. The truth is, it can be hard to handle your anger well, or the right way. It really can be. But with the right tips and experience, you can not only reduce your anger, but learn how to handle it as well as help others do so. Steps Step back and relax . When you get involved in a dilemma, a typical reaction is to get very mad and scream at them. But your best course of action could be to step back and reflect on what’s going on. Don’t rush to respond in a way that could escalate tensions or provoke an offensive response. Let others present have their say and try to understand all the perspectives before taking your turn to offer an opinion. Try to  view  the facts objectively by seeing the “big picture” when you sidestep the immediate feelings of anger that may be

I really want to lucid dream, but how?

i heard lucid dreaming is good for you and i really want to try it! have you ever done it? whats it feel like? and how can i do it? thanks! Answer Chosen by Voters: Oh yes! 1.)The Critical Facility: One very definite sure fire method of mastering lucid dreaming is to develop your critical facility. This is the area of your brain that gives you the ability to analyze and use logic when you're dreaming. When you analyze, judge and use logic in your dreams, you'll be able to distinguish what is impossible and what is real. Then you'll become aware that you're dreaming and gain full consciousness and control of your dream. It will take less than a year or perhaps even just a few months until your brain reacts to the affirmation or it may take several months. But it will eventually happen. There have been some people who have achieved this withing just a few short months, but definitely less than a year. When you lie down to go to sleep, repeat this affirmation 100