
Showing posts from June, 2019

Another Calculated Meticulously Thought-out Post

All organisms offensive organisms. Context, manipulation, and expectations of animal biological behavior. Enjoy plant nutrients. Exchanging ideas with one another. Man. The extermination of other species and each other. Each one of them multiplies the values of the others. Help only if they have something to offer further down the line. Firestone tools.

RSD Tyler's True Motivation For Mastering Social Skills

      Believe and assume you have value or worth. Underlying beliefs buyer and seller dynamic. Open-minded to meeting them and entertaining you and not getting something from them. You've got the goods. You have value. The world is a friendly place. People have familiarity with you and positive. Expecting it will go well and assuming it will go great. Superior qualifying inner beliefs. Core chemistry and attraction being exposed. Why is it I'm coming across like this? Maybe my beliefs are off. Get present in the moment (awareness out here) and you've got a lot of bandwidth.      I have nothing to say and it drove me crazy. No story or focused on your past. Short memory then goes onto the next one. NFL players. Forget about it and move on! Public speaking, talking to anybody who you need to talk to, not afraid of failing, and take on a professional endeavor. Stay with it. Confidence builds your belief in a massive momentum upward spiral.      We all carry childhood emotion


     More like slave-commerce. What's the opportunity cost of going online to FaceBook (Instagram of cocaine dopamine), Snapchat, or any other "social" media? Being anti-social. You are talking and inputting into a computer not an actual human being. You are failing to interact face-to-face and you are paying for it in terms of monetary compensation. You aren't being creative. You're being extremely logical and rational and autistic. That isn't alpha at all.      If you're like my parents who enjoy wasting time by watching television when they get home and overstimulate their brains you're putting junk into your brain. You're creating a junkyard of useless neurochemical connections. "OPEN YOUR EYES." an advertisement for Oculus Rift ironically displays on a Chicago bus stop. When you open your eyes, you're subjected to a sunny satirical fantasy of porn, paradise, and unfulfilled dreams. You're effectively watching others as a sp

Now is the time to take risks.

Do something bold. You won't regret it.

What do I have to do today to be where I want to be tomorrow?

Walk the walk and don't talk the talk.