
Showing posts from December, 2012


axiom- premise or starting point of reasoning actual definition of axiom- start of our  problems in society.


"Reason is the life of the law." Sir Edward Coke said it best.

The Wisest Words From My Heart That You Could..

*The difference between impossible and possible lies in a person's determination   *Dream is not that you see in sleep, dream is which does not let you sleep   *The greatest oak was once a small nut who held its ground   *Failure should not go to heart and success should not go to head,both makes a person fall in life   *Do what you love and love what you do   *You live only once, and the way i live, once is enough.  (nts: Drake, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Kanye West,  2 Chainz, and others are stupid American society figureheads that deserve to kill themselves; obviously, no  threat intended)

Truth the Lie

Just close your eyes. You'll be alright. A smile can mean a thousand words, but it can also mean a thousand problems. Life is a gift. Never take it for granted. A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities.

10 Ways to Keep from Getting Sick

#10 Vitamin C. Whether it is EmergenC, or the CVS brand, stock up on it now before it’s too late! When there are more bad guys in your body than good guys you lose the battle and get sick. #9 Eat healthy. Pizza and fries are good once a week splurge but beyond that is not good for you! Eating healthy will give your body the energy it needs to fight off all the gross disgusting things that are flying around. #8 Decrease your stress. Stress weakens your immune system, which makes you sick. Try to take an hour (or even ten minutes) to relax. Try a quick yoga video off of Hulu or read a chapter of your favorite book. #7 Sleep. Sleep is so important. Try to get AT LEAST eight hours a night. PS I am not... though I am helping you~ #6 Avoid contact with sick people. The closer you get to them, the greater your odds are of getting sick! #5 Wash your hands. Since your hands are the main carriers of viruses and germs, make it a habit to wash them often, especially EVERY time you use

The 15 Healthiest Foods that also Taste Good

#15 Salmon. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which make it good for your heart and your brain. Salmon is considered a "gold standard" for clean meat-based protein, with "good fats", and low in cholesterol. #14 Quinoa. This lesser-known grain is a complete protein as well as high in fiber. It was a main staple of South America for centuries. #13 Avocado. Tons of fiber, and lots of "good fats" that lower cholesterol. #12 Blueberries. Packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals (stuff that fights cancer), and a long list of micronutrients. #11 Spinach. One of nature's "super foods", and loaded with calcium, iron, and Vitamin A. Throw it into every salad and sandwich you eat. #10 Beans. Besides making you more musical, these friendly legumes have a crazy amount of soluable fiber and protein. #9 Almonds. Another super-food, almonds have Vitamin E, good fat, and lots of other minerals and vitamins. #8 Tomatoes. Known for its l

Back To School for College Freshman

#15 Arrive early. #14 Travel light. #13 Explore.  Once the craziness of your first week is over, it is a good time to introduce yourself to your professors and advisors during their office hours. This way you can familiarize yourself with them and know where to find them in future. It is also a good idea to locate other important facilities such as Career Services, the Library and the Counseling Center. #12 Take your time. Even though you're only just starting college, it may seem as though everyone else already knows what they want to major in or what career path they want to take. Now is the time to discover what you're good at and what you love doing most, so take a deep breath! #11 Relaxation. With such a busy schedule, it is more important than ever to take time out for yourself to relax and de-stress. Some helpful suggestions include yoga, reading, going for a walk or writing in your journal. #10 Stay organized. #9 Balance. It's well known that college

The Symptoms of Love

Quickening Heartbeat When we are faced with our love interest, our body goes into red alert, kicking adrenaline production into full gear. One of the results of that is a rapid heartbeat, that little flutter you feel. This is probably in order to give us a jumpstart to go over to talk to him or her!  Sweaty Palms Unfortunately, another effect of all of that adrenaline is profuse sweating, especially, it seems, on our palms. This side effect is a bit counterproductive, as it can be pretty embarrassing.  Voice Change Studies have shown that men tend to lower their voices when they talk to someone they love or are attracted to, while women may raise the tone of their voices. Dilated Pupils The same adrenaline that is responsible for a rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms also causes our pupils to dilate. This signals sexual attraction, and on a subconscious level, we find that attractive in a sexual partner. Euphoria When you are in love, you usually feel

WTF Girls!

Gossip Girls Everyone gossips to some degree, but damn. I thought Kelly was the "worst person in the world," and now you're having Sushi with her? What is the point? Gifts, Gifts, Gifts Ever make the mistake of believing your significant other when she says she doesn't want any gifts? She may not demand gifts, but she would never turn one down, and she probably really, really wants one. As confusing of a mind game as it may be, man up and get her a gift regardless.  Low Standards Men will never understand why beautiful women go for the low-life drug dealer who sells pot out his basement. You deserve better than that. Like me, for example. "I Don't Care" Similar to the, "I'm fine" scenario, if your lady counterpart utters these words, then you should be on your guard. For example, let's say, you're planning a nice romantic evening and you ask your girlfriend where she would like to eat (because y

I Am Hosting an End of the World Afterparty


Wise Words

In this world, there is so much that looks like love,  and sounds like love, and calls itself love, but it isn't. It's just people saying and doing  what they think they ought to say and do.

Why Dream?

Importance of Dreams Dreaming is a natural, necessary part of life. Everyone dreams, but the significance, frequency of occurrence and ability to remember dreams varies on an individual basis. Here are some facts about dreams you may not have known. Incidence of Dreams The average person has 1,460 dreams per year. That comes out to four dreams per night. Snoring v. Dreaming Scientists say you can't snore and dream at the same time. Good news: if you wake up feeling like you had a wild night of dreaming, you don't have to worry about having annoyed your partner beside you all night long. Childhood Dreams Childhood dreams tend to be shorter than adult dreams, and nearly 40% of children's dreams are nightmares. Children also dream about animals far more than adults. Dogs, horses, cats, lions, snakes and bears all frequently appear in children's dreams. Color The interpretation of color in a dream varies from person to person. A

The Truth About Lies

Why We Lie We might not like the idea of being untruthful, but we justify lying for the following  reasons : To shift blame and avoid punishment To save face To avoid conflict To get our own way To get out of doing something To be nice or avoid hurting someone's feelings To make ourselves look better -- for fear of rejection or in order to gain something Because it's easier than telling the truth Because we can get away with it Types of Lies Lying is so embedded in our social behavior that we have developed many different kinds of lies, including: Barefaced  /  bold-faced  lies -- obvious lies Big lies  -- major lies Bluffing  -- pretending that you are going to do something or are capable of doing so when you are not Bulls***  -- misleading nonsense Contextual lies  -- giving false impressions by only telling part of the truth Exaggeration  -- stretching the truth Minimization  -- shrinking the truth Fabrication  -- representing something that is

My Theory on Life (at 17 years old)

If we are to go waste our time on futile and dehumanizing activities as browsing through Social media pictures, statuses, and the like (Instagram, Tumblr) and even musical or societal pursuits "as a whole" then we are ultimately putting our own ideas at rest an not developing them to full potentiomal. Therefore, we should live a life not free/void (I use these words vaguely for interpretation) from Internet and society, but use the concept of "unitedness" to our advantage such as hutch (social), open-source (library, other providers), business orientated (financial), and finally, to sustain a state of well-being with oneself to enjoy these trappings in the coming future. Without this thesis, I believe there is absolutely no fundamental reason to exist than to reproduce children to become immobile imbiciles for commercial corporations and government authorities (which coexist with one another). Do not YOLO or Carpe diem as society tells you. Do whatever the fuck you


thecityofpawnee : nerdmodeactivated : tea-in-the-tardis : bakuraryou : OK SO IN ENGLAND THIS IS WHAT A RUBBER IS AND SOMEONE ON MY DASH JUST MENTIONED PUTTING A ‘RUBBER’ ON YOUR PENIS AND I GOT REALLY REALLY CONFUSED THIS IS WHAT WE CALL A RUBBER IN AUSTRALIA TOO. WE FEEL YOUR PAIN. SAME WITH NEW ZEALAND. We don’t have those in America because we don’t make mistakes. My response: No. America is the reason why the rest of the world is becoming more advanced while we continue to eat processed foods like potato fries and cheeseburgers. Then again, this economy is not a mistake. Elitists love hiding their true nature.