
Showing posts from April, 2019

There is no God because we are God.

Collective radiation solar bodies of light and infinite consciousness. We are the most intelligent creatures on earth. Some more so than others. We have overcome almost all obstacles and established a prefrontal cortex (planning region) and high levels of spatial memory in the hippocampus along with the ability to communicate socioculturally with each other despite long distances and physical barriers. This shows that at a quantum level, we are all entangled on a subconscious level. I truly believe that we are meant to love each other, have lots of fruit, sex, and curiously be playful fun, growth, and learning. Daily imagination becomes reality. You create your own reality. You guide your own destiny. There is no predestination because you choose to live. Before you cross the street, what do you do? You look both ways. In that sense, you decide not to die today. But what do you fear? How do you overcome fear? And seize greed. We all want to avoid pain and receive pleasure all

How To Be An Alpha Male Human

Have a strong personality, dress well, get fit, and project confident body language (smile, posture, open arms and hands). Take initiative, be confident, and alpha good role models men's fashion, listen without judgment, validate people's feelings, use humor, show appreciation, be honest, show empathy "I feel...", be a leader, learn to flirt, take rejection in stride, show affection to your partner by touching them, doing things for them, spending time with them, giving them compliments, et cetera, be willing to be vulnerable, and treat your partner with dignity and respect.

Best Questions To Ask (Groupthink? What are the most common and uncommon or rare candy ideas? Common sense is uncommon btw. )

If you did not exist, what would you be doing now? To what extent do you shape your own destiny, and how much is down to fate? (Ethics or ideal results? Do the ends justify the means?) Should people care more about doing the right thing or doing things right? [Only when it benefits me and my loved ones.] What do people strive for after enlightenment? (Once you've made it to the top, where do you go from there?) If lying is wrong, are white lies okay? (Is it ever okay to bend the truth for the overall good?) Can we have happiness without sadness? (If so, is pure happiness ever possible?) Does sound happen if nothing is present to hear it(if a tree falls in the woods)? Does observation alter an event? Double-slit experiment in user perception. "Would you rather" and "this or that?" What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week? What are some of your long-term goals? What did you have for dinner last night? What is your favorite meal

Do you really really want to be a billionaire?

Then think like this.  Try your best. Try really really hard and be smart. Don't autopilot through life. Every single day. Your easy decisions are decided in moments like these.  while alive(glycogen Sell.  Code.  Sleep.  Repeat. "I am better than you." "I can accomplish anything." "The rules don't apply to me." "I really don't care." Do you? Dodge taxes too! If you give money, give it very publicly and make sure you get all the credit you deserve. "Fake it until you make it" demands this.  "I love my hobbies." Elon Musk collects James Bond memorabilia. Warren Buffett collects ukuleles. Bill Gates collects books and manuscripts. Mark Zuckerberg kills and eats his own food. Jeff Bezos collects old rocket parts." xoxo always and forever more never ending infinite loop e = m*c^2

4/12/19 8:03 AM

I woke up around 7:30. First, I'm counting and selling cards for $900 to a girl. I receive the money from her, which is great. She doesn't want what I give her at $300 plus a retail markup. So I begin counting the monies. I hand her the cards with the change. I head outside into nature barefoot oddly enough for some reason. I'm underneath a gazebo looking for the answer are we human or are we..? I'll be on my way... And the search goes on and on and on and on. I see a beehive and a hivewacker contraption. It has wax on it along with combs to stomp out bees. Lastly, I see many bugs and little insects floating around everywhere. I'm not sure what they are, but they are definitely deadly.

How to talk to someone new and earn their respect

Now you get it? Yup lmao Well I'm too young soooo Haha awesome. So? We can't be friends? Or we can't talk? You can delete me if you want because I don't like doing that and there's no reason unless you give me a reason (be willing to walk away) No we can We an talk n be friends Okay.  K

Not too much tongue

No fear, taking control (super attractive), know how to talk, you can tell, grab your face like that, when he puts his hands on your face, need actual field experience, more attractive is generally a better kisser, and simply smile, look, and ask a question. Ended up going from Daily Dropout to VitalyzdTV to explicit content. I didn't act on my natural impulse to jack off (masturbate). I repressed it. I shall sleep and wake up a refreshed man ready to go for tomorrow's adventures! NoFap and NoPorn going strong. Goodnight, my friends.
The first date is actually the second date, mentally prepare going in there, and you already have it in the bag.

Light Energy Permanence

The present moment is the future. The future is being written right now as we speak and as I type. We are actively writing history 11 seconds in advance. Even light and sound have a delay to it. So does your brain. So set a routine and stick to it. Your subconscious brain will understand after 3 months or so. Make it a lifestyle forever . You'll be glad you did. One thing only. The rest will fall into place.

How To Best Discipline Children

Develop empathy, explain and redirect, add a somewhat relevant condition like "yes if...," speaking quietly is better than finger pointing or yelling, and give a range of options so the children play right into your hands. Enjoy positive reinforcement! It always trumps any form of punishment unless the stakes are high like "life or death."

4/3/19 I'm doing a challenge where I don't fap/masturbate or watch any porn for a month (until 5/3/19 or even beyond that time)

As a reward, I will eat dark chocolate. I absolutely love dark chocolate.  I had all of these fucking tabs open on "secret" mode on the browser. This is what happens when you mindlessly consume ads from porn. You become a retard like me. So I'm now going to detox and unfuck myself! No more fapping/masturbation and no more looking at porn for one month! Maybe then, it will become 3 and then an entire year even! That will be great. "...................." [spent almost 20 minutes typing out the video titles with the views, %, likes, and dislikes which was a pain in the ass and a complete waste of my time and limited life's glycogen energy] Kinda worried about posting this, so I won't. Saved the original to a draft, copy & pasted the whole thing but deleted all 100+ videos (not literally a hundred, but it was quite a handful). I really didn't want to watch any more porn because it felt like shit. I wasted my semen down the shower drain basica
 created a poll. Admin  ·  March 29 at 3:31 PM How often do you guys hit the gym? 3-4 days  💪 Voters for this option +12 5-6 days  😤 Voters for this option +9 EVERY DAY  🗣 Voters for this option I don’t work out  💩 Voters for this option I work out some other way  👽 Voters for this option 1 More Option... 14 Comments Seen by 69 Like Comment Comments   I am garbage person  😆 Hide or report this Like  ·  Reply  ·  3d Active Now damn man, it’s great for your mind/body. Get on that shit! Hide or report this Like  ·  Reply  ·  2d   Fucking Jewish gym is closed Saturday 1 Hide or report this Like  ·  Reply  ·  3d   I