
Showing posts from October, 2017

Quotes Of The Day ft. Marquis de Condorcet

" Enjoy your own life without comparing it to that of another. " " There does not exist any religious system, or supernatural extravagance, which is not founded on an ignorance of the laws of nature. "

Top 10 Tips For New Hires

Drink a cup of tea to start off your day (green, black, or whichever you prefer), come early (15 minutes), take a deep breath (relax your mind), eat a proper breakfast (and prepare lunch), organize your day (focus on what you absolutely need to do in the first hour), organize your desk (a little bit each day), plan a mid-day break, don't be moody, expect the unexpected, and allow flexibility to have the best miracle morning.

How Entrepreneurial are YOU?

This entrepreneurial self-evaluation activity will help you gain a greater self-understanding as you determine if you have the traits found in successful entrepreneurs. Read each question and circle the letter of the sentence that describes you the best. 1. Are you self-motivated? b. I like to do things my own way and come up with my own ideas about how to accomplish things. (10 points) 2. Are you a leader? c. Most people go along with my ideas without too much difficulty. (10 points) 3. How organized are you?  a. I like to make plans before I start something, and I stick to my plan until it's done. (10 points) 4. How do you feel about people? c. I really enjoy people and get along with them very well.  (10 points) 5. Are you a good worker? a. I can work hard and push through until the goal is accomplished. I don't mind working hard. (10 points) 6. Can you make decisions? b. I like to make my own decisions good or bad, I am willing to put up with the conse

How To Win Over Your Employees In Your Small Business

Play To Win Instead Of Not To Lose

5) Read Books – The Most Cost Effective Learning Tool If you’re not reading, you’re putting yourself at a serious disadvantage. Why would you do that to yourself? The Bill Gates, the Warren Buffets, and the Mark Zuckerbergs of this world all prioritize reading. I read somewhere, that people at this level read 60+ books a year. If it’s good for them, it’s good for you. You can’t afford to not educate yourself in this way. And it’s so cost-effective that it’s a no-brainer. So you spend $30 on a great finance book. Or a career or entrepreneurship book. You think it cost you $30 and so it’ll give you $30 worth of value? This is where you’re wrong. In reality, you’re spending $30 and getting a potential $1 million, $10 million, or $100 million in value back from reading that book. So don’t just think about the up-front hard costs of buying educational material. That $30 is nothing compared to the knowledge you will reap from reading that book. 6) Listen To Podcasts, A

How To Pass A Shit Test Like A Real Man

She Wants to Find Out if You Are a Man “What do you mean? How do they do me a favor by testing me in this terrible way?” By testing you, a woman gives you the chance to prove that you are a real man. That’s all. There is no hidden agenda and there is no conspiracy theory of evil women who want to terrorize all the nice guys on this earth. The only reason why women test you is because they want to know if  you are a real man  or if you are just another one of those pussies who never learned how to pass a shit test. She wants to know if you have what it takes to get inside her pussy. She wants to know if you are worth spreading her legs or not. This is a chance and not a punishment. If you are able to prove that you are a sexually confident and emotionally strong man, you have already passed the shit test…or maybe I should better say  the manliness test. How to Pass a Shit Test Now let’s have a look at how to pass a shit test and how you can prove to her that you are an

Do You Have A Vision?

Vision creates intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Do not go so much for carrots or sticks. It's a very shallow form of motivation. It's like having a fire in your heart and it fuels you. It can consistently motivate you for life. Stop getting hooked on external validation. Reground it in your self. See yourself as fighting for something. I'm a hero on a hero's journey and I have a significant calling in my mind. And that's all that matters. I believe it. It's good enough to get me up in the morning. My motivation is so strong it can bust through walls. It rubs off on other people.

How To Activate Your Best State

Take full responsibility, believe that you can, focus on The Law of Attraction [positive stuff with positive affirmations], and instill an opposite good habit, Idle hands do the devil's work. Instead of overeating (or eating out), maybe now commit yourself to your side projects, relationship, and hobby (mountain climbing/hiking - active activities). You procrastinate with television and video games because you have nothing better to do. Instead choose reading, contacting people, shooting people, and working on marketing (strapped on time). Create big goals/ambitions for yourself and commit. Commit 100% to a habit. There's this hump (expenditure of massive energy in 30 days). 1% makes your brain come up with excuses in a slippery slope. Do this no matter what. This will break your hard food/chemical addiction. Say, "goddamn it, no this is the end of it." Imagine a year goes by and this negative habit sticks with you. A whole 365 days. Think about the cost of

The 3 Most Effective Ways to Cut Off Your Bad Habits Instantly

1. Mindfulness -Always being aware of your thoughts & emotions. "How are you feeling? What are you thinking? Do you enjoy it? Does it taste good?" Is this something for you? Open minded, reflective, and a practitioner. 2. Implementation Intentions -Normally used for goal directed behavior How should you use it? 1. Find out what the cue/trigger is 2. Substitute your old, flawed behavior for an improved one 3. Keep consistent, until it becomes a good habit! Why it works: Mentally reprogramming your mind effectively So... Is this for you? Ideal for procrastinators (or perfectionists) -It's simple -effectyive -not energy draining 3. Optimistic Mindset -Don't fall into the trap of selflearned helplessness We are made up of "change" Keep positive guys! So keep trying!

How long can you focus without a break?

You   also don't want to study for too   long   at a time, because your brain gets fatigued and after a while it needs a rest. 90 minutes is probably the maximum   you   should go before taking a 10 minute   break , and usually 60 minutes is enough. Thank you my Lord and Savior, Google God. 

Zero To One by Peter Thiel

Protect a monopoly through network effects (value of your offering), economies of scale (address your production costs - the larger your volume, the lower your average cost because of high fixed costs, making it very difficult for a competitor to generate any profits), and branding (awareness, which lowers your distribution costs - a competitor will need that much more upfront investment in advertising to generate awareness and penetrate your market. What does it mean?  Globalization is doomed with technological innovation, capitalism is the opposite of competition, , and we can shape our own future. Focus on specific skills and protect monopolies and make bets on the future. Even a bad plan is better than no plan. Encouraging us to plan ahead. Much needed startups.

Happiness Manifesto

I'll do it for little things I'm upset about. Any desire that's rooted in lack and completion. You think you need a girl, to complete you and that lack will still be there. Why do you self-sabotage? Because you're hooked on that emotion. You're hooked on that emotion? They'll resort to positivity. I don't feel complete. I don't have enough. Think reaching the state of happiness is no effort. Of letting go. It's type of feeling when you break loose. Having a blast so it's effortless. What happiness is and the journey there. Whatever fucking method you can use to get there the better. It's not about seeking more it's about adding. Realizing you're already there and getting rid of everything there that telling you that you're not there. Let fo of trying to feel happy you want to be happy. You do not want that emotion. It is dependent on something. What makes you feel happy will eventually turn into unhappiness. You want to let

RSD Tyler's New Year Resolution

Vocal training, fix macros (chubby), never miss a training day, get to bed on time, and stay consistent with meditation.

Break The Bad Habits- Motivational Video 2017 [David's Official Transcription]

If you are intentional and deliberate, if you build it on Monday, if you build it on Tuesday, and if you build it on Wednesday. I want you to understand that it is not going to happen by luck. Productivity is always intentional and deliberate. No luck guys. Every single day, if you do a little, you're gonna wake up one day and your dreams are going to be a reality. You can't just say you want it and say, "I want it as bad as I wanna breathe." It's cute to say it. But when it's showtime, when the sun comes up, you got all the books. You got all it takes. You got all the access. Now it's time to hunt. And what separates you from everybody else, is that when it is time to hunt, you're ready to hunt . You look like a beast, but then when it's time to do what a beast do, you back up. You gotta get up and make it happen.  I can. I will. I must. How do you get to that next level? How do I get my business to the next place? How do I get other